What happens if there is no Virtual Memory
Please educate me as to how Virtual Memory works on a computer. If I do not use Virtual memory, then what happens?
Please educate me as to how Virtual Memory works on a computer. If I do not use Virtual memory, then what happens?
The virtual memory, is the memory which depends totally on the memory of the hard drive. As the memory of the hard drive is much smaller than an actual RAM memory, your system will run slow, if it is running on your virtual memory. So if you upgrade the RAM of your system and run it only on the memory of RAM, then you will get extra ordinary results and a very high speed as well. The following diagram will help you a lot.
Hello Dear,
Virtual Memory works just like RAM.
RAM has a physical body and shape, like a chip, but Virtual memory has no shape and no body.
Virtual memory has as much capacity as we assign to it.
It gets this space from the hard disk.
As files are loaded onto RAM, virtual memory also loads files on the hard disk.
If you want to change the size of your virtual memory to zero MB, then your computer will be slow in many places.
It is also possible that no programs will be able to start.
Virtual memory is the back bone of processing, so I hope this helped you understand virtual memory. Thanks.