When I am ready to mount the disc, I get error

Hi expert,
Just I installed Ubuntu 11.04 in my pc and did a number of checks.
When I am ready to mount the disk, I get this error. I need to solve it.
Please help.
Thanks a lot.

Package dependencies cannot be resolved
This error could be caused by required additional
software packages which are missing or not installable.
Furthermore there could be a conflict between software
packages which are not allowed to be installed at the
same time.
Then IÂ utilized fdisk on the amount (/dev/sr0) as well as tried fsck.Â
Also I downloaded UDF Tools, however I cannot get any repair choice like udffsck as explained in this thread.
There are obviously data on that disk, which is able to be seen by only looking at its outside, but as well the info on Mac.
But, there might be a few bad sector sizes in the divider table which makes it unreadable.Â
I need to recover this data.
Please help.