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20 points
Posted on - 12/26/2013
Hello excel expert, I will be working in MS excel row no A1 to A100. My Question is when I put the same value in row A1 to A100 then how can I get a message, example when I put value in row A1= 250 if have any row (A1 to A100) value 250 then it will show RED COLOR or show a message like "Double posting"
When I put a value can I get a message in excel
Hey Tarequtt,
Using the COUNTIF function to check a range of cells, like in your case, A1 to A100, you can get a message informing you that the number you are putting in has already been assigned. To get this message, you have to name your data cells since data validation cannot use the table column name directly. Then use that range name in a COUNTIF formula, and any time there is a double posting, you will get a message (as in the image below). I hope this information helps.