Whenever I attempt to login, I receive this “Log notification: fatal”

Good day, I badly need help concerning an error code. Whenever I attempt to login, I receive this “Log notification: fatal” in which I have no idea what it means.
I am to my wits end because it tells me that I might want to save my logfiles!
Anyone is welcome to give their thoughts on this.
Thank you very much.

std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class st&.:allocatortwchar_t> >,class std::basic_stringcwchar_t,struct st&:chaçtraits<wchar_t>,class st&.:allocator<wchart> >)
CAhudsonjobspoker5_client_cpp- release_p5_rl-Pt)BUSH_RELEASEw orkspacecheckoistcppsourceproductionmainp4migrationplayern otesPlayerNotes.cpp
Line 45
Bug Ith 2300846527
You might want to save your logfiles