Where can I buy micro smart wireless adapter?
Hello, where can I buy micro smart wireless adapter and what is the best brand that you can offer? Any website that gives any full details about micro smart wireless?
Hello, where can I buy micro smart wireless adapter and what is the best brand that you can offer? Any website that gives any full details about micro smart wireless?
There are many different types of microsmart adapters which can be found on different sites depending on the version you want. There are two main brands of microsmart adapters I can suggest for you.
1. Microsmart wireless adapterhigh power 802.11 which can be downloaded from "ptf.com"
2. Smart WirelessTHUM Adapter, which can be downloaded from "www2.emersonprocess.com". This type of adapter tends to collect efficiently data from the coriolis meters.
The website "www.documentation.emersonprocess.com" tends to provide enough documentation on microsmart wireless adapters. Whatever details you are looking for it is available there.