Where can I download web stopwatch free code ?

I am in need of free codes for web stopwatch. Can anyone tell me where can I download these codes. I hope you can help me.

I am in need of free codes for web stopwatch. Can anyone tell me where can I download these codes. I hope you can help me.
Hello Edward,
I found a link where you can find your web stopwatch to embed in your script. Its a JavaScript code. It contains a button to start and stop the stopwatch. http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?221841-javascript-stopwatch Also see the attachment for the code.
You can download the javascript based code from the following link : https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/29330/JavaScript-Stopwatch. But there are some steps for download source code from this site, i.e., you have to become a member of this site, you have to register first with this site.
You can try the following link :
This shows a way to make a stopwatch using CSS3. You can click on “view code” button there to check for the code there.
Hello Edward .
You can use the " http://www.onlinestopwatch.com". This program allows you to download from a stopwatch when you are not on the internet and it is for free. All you need is to download a new version from time to time. Also,there is " the comfort software's free stopwatch program" It also provides the same service for free and it works on other applications such as workshop and kitchen. But if you want to have free codes you can visit this site: