I downloaded the free trial of Adobe After Effects CS6 to try out the camera 3D tracker that animates 3D objects with 2D video. Where can I find a Boris plug-in so that it delivers real time processing of 2D and 3D effects? Any ideas where I can find Adobe After Boris plugin?
Where can I find Adobe After Boris Plugin?
Dear Bridget,
You have downloaded Adobe After Effects, which is great. Basically, you can find Boris plug-in on some online store, which can deliver real time processing of 2D and 3D effects. Some links are given below. I hope these links will help you out.
Thank you.
Where can I find Adobe After Boris Plugin?
Hello Bridget,
As you have mentioned you need an adobe after effect Boris plug-in. Let me tell you, this software is available on the internet and you can download a trail version of it. For that, just go to the official website Boris Fx.
But before download the trial version you have to register and submit it first. Hope this could be a help.
Thank you.