Where can I find information about old fly simulators?
A flight simulator is a piece of equipment that artificially re-creates aircraft flight and other aspects of the flight environment, that includes the equation on how the aircraft flies, its reaction to certain applications of the controls and other aircraft systems, clouds, precipitation etc.
Flight simulation is also used for different reasons, such as flight training, design and development of the aircraft, and research into aircraft characteristics and control handling qualities.
Originally, the purpose of flight simulation devices was to help pilots fly the Antoinette monoplane. The Antoinette used two wheels mounted on the left and right of the pilot, one for pitch and the other for roll, while the Wright brothers' design used levers for pitch and roll control.
Flight simulation played a big role during World War I and World War II.
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A “flight simulator” is a virtual reality system that can simulate the environment of a flying machine for a pilot. This simulation technology is intended for pilots or pilot training or for recreation and or gaming. It can also be used for aircraft characteristics research, control handling characteristics, and design and development of aircraft.
It is a device that artificially re-creates aircraft flight and the environment in which it flies for pilot training, design, and other purposes. The process or the simulation includes replicating the equations that rule how aircraft fly, the effects of other aircraft systems, how they respond to applications of flight controls, and how the aircraft responds to external factors like air density, wind shear, cloud, turbulence, precipitation, and others.
The main objective of a flight simulator is to help the pilot achieve, test and maintain proficiency in handling airplane operation without involving any risk to property or lives and at a much cheaper cost than training in the air. On the initiative of French commanders Clolus and Laffont and Lieutenant Clavenad, in 1910 the first ground training aircraft for military aircraft were built.
It is called the “Tonneau Antoinette” or the “Antoinette barrel” built by the Antoinette company. This appears to be the pioneer of flight simulators.