Where can i find opera mini Windows mobile jar download?

where can I download opera mini windows mobile jar from? I have been on the official web page of operamini but I couldn’t find windows mobile in the devices listed.

where can I download opera mini windows mobile jar from? I have been on the official web page of operamini but I couldn’t find windows mobile in the devices listed.
Hope you are looking for opera mini jar file for Windows mobile. Doesn’t worry here are some suggestion after following this hope you will get chance to successfully getting the facility of opera mini browsing.
Go to Official Opera Site for your expected version associated to Windows mobile. You also can download the file from mobile9 also.
Best of luck.
The official site is operamini.com. Have you visited it? Try again to find there, I hope yours one is listed there. If do not get there is a alternative option “Your device is detected as “abcd”, it is not your device?” Then click on that and supply information asked by them. You may contact support that yours one is not listed there. However you may get a copy from getjar.com.