Where can I find the serial number of my laptop?
Good day Elizabeth King,
There are different kinds of laptop, but most of their serial numbers can be found on stickers under the laptop or in compartment doors. You will know that it's the serial number if it's tagged with the abbreviation "s/n". You could also find the serial number on the box where it came from.
Another method of knowing the serial number of your laptop is by using the Command Prompt.
Here are the steps on how doing it:
1) Click 'Start' and type 'Command Prompt' on the search box.
2) Then type this command:
wmic bios get a serial number
And there you have your serial number.
I've posted an image about the Command Prompt method to better help you. Thank you.
Where can I find the serial number of my laptop?
Brylle Milton,
You're a genius, thank you so much. I wouldn't be able to find the serial laptop without your help.