Where can I find some BIOS updates for this motherboard

I Installed Windows 7 to my new motherboard at first it installed okay but after I shut down and re-start my computer there’s an error appears and I checked it in BIOS.
And also Windows 7 can’t find the hard drive to boot from eventually. I also tried to run my motherboard from a CD but the installation still error because of the compatibility of the Windows 7.
How can I get some updates from a 3rd party site and which ones are legitimate and trustworthy? What would be the solution if the BIOS update wouldn't fix my problem?
And where can I find some BIOS updates for this motherboard and from the manufacturer? Do I need to search for 'Win sonic' or 'ECS'? I really need a help from experienced and have a knowledge of a hardware.
Here’s the following of my motherboard info:
- Manufacturer: WINSONIC
- Model: WS10201 ver. 1.0A
- Vendor: Elite group (ECS)
- Version: ECS
- Chipset: 82945G/GZ/P/PL (Intel)
- BIOS model: AMIBIOS080012 (American Megatrends)