Asked By
marsh drake
30 points
Posted on - 12/18/2012
I am looking for some matrix screensavers. Screensavers must be high resolution with minimum 2048*2048.
And it must be in GIF format.
Can you please help me to find some matrix screensavers gif?
Where can I find some high resolution matrix screensaver gif?
Hello Marsh,
Well there are so many websites online where you get high resolution matrix screensavers in gif image format.
Many of the websites provides freeware stuff and many of them also provides shareware stuffs.
The best website where you can get these screensavers for free is Freeware files.
Well you can find it in the below given link. Just download it and have fun!
Where can I find some high resolution matrix screensaver gif?
Hello Marsh Drake,
Matrix screen saver are top rated and downloaded in many than other screen saver. Certainly there are many website from where you can get it. I have given you two download links of two screen savers. They have higher resolution with good ratings and downloads. Just install them.
Matrix Screen Saver 1
Matrix Screen saver 2
Download them any enjoy. Hope it helps!
Thank you,
Wagner Desantiago