Where can I get Acoustica Audio Mixer register code?

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I have been using a licensed Acoustica Audio Mixer for mixing multiple mp3's and exporting it as a single file.  I have recently upgraded to Windows 8 from a Windows XP system and I can't find my audio mixer register code.  Can I get the code again in Acoustica website?

Answered By 0 points N/A #159350

Where can I get Acoustica Audio Mixer register code?



For majority Acoustica programs you have 4 parts registration with the registration code in following format: 12345-54321-12345-54321(certainly each part consist of 5 digits or letter}

You need to enter the registration code and the email address for most of the Acoustica products. Example below:

Registration ID: [email protected]

Registration Code: 12345-54321-12345-54321

One should follow all the instruction that came along with the purchase mail.

For some of the Acoustica Software you have to place registration key request to the support team.


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