Where do I find the list of ms word 2010 icons?

Where can I find the list of MS Word 2010 icons? My PC was attacked by a Trojan Virus and erased some files in my computer including the icons on Word. Do I have to reinstall Office?

Where can I find the list of MS Word 2010 icons? My PC was attacked by a Trojan Virus and erased some files in my computer including the icons on Word. Do I have to reinstall Office?
Hi John,
I believed that it happened because of Trojan Attack. That is the Reason your computer’s Cache Files are Corrupted (C:UsersUser-NameAppDataLocalIconCache.db). No issue that can resolve very easily. You can resolve manually & automatically. Manually,
Open Command Prompt,
Go to command prompt, Past mentioned below command’s each line one by one press enter after each command
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
CD /d %userprofile%AppDataLocal
DEL IconCache.db /a
shutdown /r /f /t 00
the Iconcache.db Rebuild.
First Try this Way. If it’s not Work out. Please Download this File. Save on your Desktop.
Then Click/Tap RUN. After Download, Follow the Instruction.
I hope this Details will help to resolve your Issue