Where to download an additional icon for Google earth?

Hello experts,
Where to download an additional icon for google earth? Icons that are attractive would be so cool. Give me some website wherein I can download it for free.
Thank you experts.

Hello experts,
Where to download an additional icon for google earth? Icons that are attractive would be so cool. Give me some website wherein I can download it for free.
Thank you experts.
There are several websites available which provides icons for free.
When going through the different websites I found a particular website very attractive.
To go to the website click on the link below.
You can find several varieties of icons in the above website.
Thank you.
There are lots of sites for downloading these icons but as for me, i just like to use Google image search. It's  better because it display more icons than any particular website. You can try this link  and see for yourself. http://kml4earth.appspot.com/icons.html
Happy icon huntingÂ
Hi Gary M Bumgarner,
Instead of searching & going to different website, you can try out the following website http://phoneky.com/applications/?id=y0y19190. It is a dedicated website just for the icons for Google Maps or Google Earth with a collection of more than 700 royalty free icons. You can easily choose your desired icons with just a few clicks. You can download each icon individually or you can get your favorite icons as ZIP files. Hope you can find your favorite icons here. You can check the following image for a better view of how things are going to look after icon replacement.