Where to get a free letter curver software?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I want to create a elliptical logo and want my company name on it. I could design the logo in Adobe easily but how to I make the letters curve? I searched for it but cannot understand the scripts. Is there a letter curve software which I can get for free and use?

Best Answer by Lawren chavez
Answered By 0 points N/A #149382

Where to get a free letter curver software?


Letter curving option is embedded on many logo and banner designing software. So it is better to use those instead of downloading separate letter curving software. It will keep you hassle free as well as your design will be professional.

This type of software is AAA logo, download it from www.aaa-logo.com/aaago.php?page=order&ref=wwwH320 . You may try Microsoft word to create text with curvature then convert to image and then import into your company logo.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #149383

Where to get a free letter curver software?


Hi Daniel Nicholass,

You use Adobe Photoshop? If you say yes, I will give you instruction.

You want your letters curve along any path or follow your elliptical logo?

If you want your letters are curve along any path, use pen tool (or free pen tool) to create a path.

If you want your letters along your elliptical logo, you also use pen or free pen tool to create a path follow the curve of the elliptical. I recommend you use pen tool because you can easily control your path by using Ctrl and Alt key to control anchors.

Then select Text tool and put your cursor upon to the path, then type your text. Your text will be along the path.

Hope this helps.

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