Where can I get an outlook 2010 contact photo manager?
I want people in the office to know each other by face and a lot of them already have photos.
It will be helpful if I can download a tool or software that will manage all the photos.
Where to get outlook 2010 contact photo manager
You can add the images by following these steps
Step 1 Kindly open the contact that you want to open.
Step 2 Click on the Home now click on the New group and select New Contact.
Step 3 Go to Contact and click option group than click picture and clicks on add picture
Step 4 Find the location of the picture that you want to add and click them.
Where to get outlook 2010 contact photo manager
Hi Johnny,
There are several ways of putting getting photos in your outlook. There’s a personal setting, and that’s what was mentioned from the previous post.
If you are interested in getting those photos into all contacts within your server then you might want to consider using another program that does this.
You may be interested with “exclaimer Outlook Photos. This system does the matching of your photos from an Active Directory side.
Click here to learn more.
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