Where to get a purchases journal form in excel format?
I have checked almost all the templates in excel but failed to find the journals, does anyone out there know of some site where I can get free purchases journal form in excel format?
I have checked almost all the templates in excel but failed to find the journals, does anyone out there know of some site where I can get free purchases journal form in excel format?
Hi Ashley,
Microsoft has templates for purchase journals form. There are free ones and there are some which you can buy from their website. Here is the link to one such free template you may find useful:
It can sort items according to the dates of their purchase, categories, mode of payment, etc.
Hey Ashley,
You can visit Microsoft’s main website to find an available template to download.
If you wish to create your own template style here are the easy steps:
1. Choose the amount of variables you wish to set. I will use both fixed and variable.
Customize your table by using Use “Excel’s table” option to store data.
Start by entering labels. Go to the Insert tab, Table in the Tables Group, and check the My table has Header option, click ok.
2. Use the fill color whenever you need to separate Major groups.
3. Properly set column Titles.
4. Input your formulas.
5. With everything set as you desire, select your table, right-click and choose format cells.
Click on the protection tab, and uncheck the locked setting.
To Turn on the protection again in case someone else is using the table, click on the home tab, go the cell group in the Format drop down. Click on Protect Sheet.
If you save the file as a normal workbook, the Template could be used over and over again.