I want to encrypt my HDD and so looking for Ubuntu mount encrypted Symbian. I have heard it is good. But I do not have a secure download resource. Please help me by giving me a secure source or suggest me a good encryption tool.
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From where I can download Ubuntu mount encrypted Symbian software?
Hello Kathryn,
I have added a download link below where you can find different mount program to mount Ubuntu.
1. Open a terminal window in Ubuntu.
2. Type $ mkdir "Ubuntu One"<enter>.
3. $ mkdir "Ubuntu One (decrypted)"<enter>
4. Make sure that you have created your encrypted folder
5. $ encfs "~/Ubuntu One" "~/Ubuntu One (decrypted)"<enter>
6. To enhance security of your cloud storage, use the command in 7. Below rather than the one in 5. Above, after you have moved the .encfs6.xml file from “Ubuntu One” to any other folder on your computer. In the command below, we have moved the file to “$HOME/. Keys/” folder.
7. $ ENCFS6_CONFIG="$HOME/. Keys/. encfs6.xml" encfs "~/Ubunton One" "~/Ubuntu One (decrypted)" <enter>
Now you can create your files in the “~/Ubuntu One (decrypted)” folder and they will be visible to you. As you created files in the decrypted folder, they were encrypted into the “~/Ubuntu One” folder.
Download mount