Where I can find free public domain for images and pictures?

Now a days there are lots of web sites that contain hundreds of thousands of images, pictures and also there are huge amount of them are free though some are having some restriction most of them you can use as you like. So now what can I do? I can give some good site so you can download some good images and pictures remember about the terms and conditions.
3. https://www.pexels.com/public-domain-images/
4. http://worldimages.sjsu.edu/
Another thing is that you can also search Google with image specialization tab in this way you can also find lots of images. When you are enter some words in the search box click on the image on the top of the screen.
Hi Nicaltail,
There are so many internet web pages that offer free domains for pictures and images. Some of the best available sites are for example Stock exchange access it through https://www.freeimages.com/. This site contains thousands of images that can be freely used. Though some of the images may require written permission but many pictures are free to use.
Another of the sort is Wimedia commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page. Here you are free to use any of the photos, images and videos.
Flick the commons is another site which offers free sharing of the images and photos access the site through https://www.flickr.com/commons. You may also use Microsoft Office free images and clipart. The website is https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-clip-art-to-your-file-0a01ae25-973c-4c2c-8eaf-8c8e1f9ab530?legRedir=true&CorrelationId=c89075c4-2b74-41e8-a53a-857477c3f268&ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US. I hope that this will be of great help to you.