I have an MSI Motherboard but my RAM was damaged.
Now I want to install RAM in my Motherboard but I don't know that where I will install RAM.
Please help me anybody to making my Motherboard picture that where I will install my RAM.
My Motherboard picture is below.
Where I will install ram?
RAM is an essential part of the computer. It is called the main memory from which the data that are executable and are currently being executed are kept. These memories called primary memory are faster enough than the Hard disk. Means that the hard disk has lesser access time than the Ram.
Thus it helps in faster workout of the computer. The main reason is this. The other part I that it has to be installed in the location as shown in the picture marked with the yellow color. See the Notch of the RAM and gently press inside. Slot1 for only on RAM. You may install two RAM slots.
Where I will install ram?
Firstly I want to show that how RAM (Random Access Memory) Slots/Ports can look like (look first image).
Then surely you can find RAM slots/ports in your MSI Motherboard.
In the second image I mentioned that where are RAM ports on your Motherboard to install RAM’s. There are four RAM ports in your System Unit Motherboard. You can install one, two, three or four RAM’s at a time in your System Unit’s Motherboard.

Where I will install ram?
This is very simple you can remove your ram which is located on your board. You can see there are several slots in Motherboard all are colored differently. Ram slots close to the cool sink fan which you see in your image. RAM slots are in Blue, Pink, Orange and green colors.
I think now you identify your RAM slots.
Thank you.
Where I will install ram?
Hello Dear,
I think you are new to computers, as you show no knowledge of the parts of a computer.Â
The component shown below is called RAM.
You can insert it in these slots on the Motherboard.
Just push it into the slot and the problem will be fixed.