Where is online storage space

How can i store my data online, where and how much is could be, if there is any secured way then please let me know….

How can i store my data online, where and how much is could be, if there is any secured way then please let me know….
There are many options for online storage. Many organizations provide free and paid services in this regard. Using these services one can save data on these sites.
Some of the web sites providing free and paid online data storage services are xdrive.com, mozy.com, mediamax.com, box.net, and esnips.com. One can store its data online on these sites. It is advantageous to save data online as it is easier to access data online rather using devices and when there is need to move across boarder and there are safety issues. Moreover, in some cases it is cheaper than using a device as some sites offer it free.
Storing data online ensure safety from natural disaster as well as from virtual threats such as virus and other viral attacks. At the same time there are some disadvantages of using online data storage services as it is claimed that there are security issue involved when using online storage services.
You can store your data online by registering/purchasing an online backup service. But before that you may want to consider the following:
1. Feature, what does their service offers, does it offers file sharing? can you share it publicly and or privately? can you access it remotely? does it have special application? does it offer free trial?
2. Security. It is exceptionally important. Online storage should offer encrypted file transfer and password protection.
3. Storage Space and Price. Is the price worthy of the storage space?
4. Ease of Use. Is it user friendly? Does it handle bulk downloading and uploading of file?
5. Help/Customer Support. A good online storage service is nothing if it has poor customer service. Customer support should be available through email, phone and online chat.
To name a few here are some online storage service provider
JustCloud. JustCloud offers free and unlimited storage space and fast uploading/downloading of file. Many opt to chose their service because of unlimited space and secure network plus you have the liberty to access your files at anytime and at anywhere.
ZipCloud – They offer unlimited storage that cost $4.95 a month. They also provide two weeks free trial of their storage service.
Livedrive- The offer 2TB for $7.95 a month
My PC Backup.com- They offer unlimited storage that cost $4.95 a month. It uses desktop application that only take a little memory space. The files are encrypted when sent to your cloud based server storage.
SugarSync-They offer 60 GB storage capacity that cost $9.95 a month but No Money Back Guarantee. The good thing about this is you can also share your file to friends and family.
Mozy-They offer 50 GB storage capacity that cost $9.95 a month but No Money Back Guarantee.
IBackup-They offer 20 GB storage capacity that cost $9.95 a month but No Money Back Guarantee.
Carbonite-They offer unlimited storage capacity that cost $8.25 a month but No Money Back Guarantee
Dropbox-They offer 50 GB storage capacity that cost $9.99 a month.
SOS-They offer 50 GB storage capacity that cost $9.99 a month with 30 Money Back Guarantee
Hope this helps!
Dear Gurusam3,
There are so many sites in online are available where you can put or kept your personal files just creating a free account. Now I am giving you some sites names where you can kept your personal files.
1.   Sky drives
2.   Live Drive
3.   Google Drive
4.   Drop Box
You can also storage your files and folder on your personal email account
Thanks and Regards