I saw one of my friends using DNA Player v1.2 in his system, he told me that it will occupy only a very small size in the PC and run smooth. Where should I download DNA Player v1.2, what are the prerequisites that is required for my system to run DNA Player v1.2. Please advice, currently I am using Windows XP.
Where should I download DNA Player v1.2
Hello Patrica,
To download and install the DNA player v 1.2, you must have .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0 installed in your system. With the help of the framework you will be able to run DNA player in your system. DNA player has following new features you might want to check:
1. New design for the streaming purpose.
2. Additional themes that you can change.
3. Now it can automatically save your playlist.
4. Very light in size, almost 400Kb in size.
You can download and view all specifications by visiting the Microsoft website.