Asked By
Paul Quincy
0 points
Posted on - 02/04/2013
Hi guys,
I am an android user.I well know that there is an app that can easily delete all contacts, But it works only for the contact list of phone memory not for the sim card. How can I get android clean sim card by applying any app?
Which app is needed to get android clean sim card?
Hello Paul,
You should try with a program called Clean Master. It can help you to clean residual files, .apk files, delete your history and your contacts, too. It is very good application that is popular between the owners of android mobile phones. I will be very happy if this answer help you with the problem.
Which app is needed to get android clean sim card?
There’s a very good app called the sim card manager for android. The application runs on the android platform and is available for download from the playstore.
The actual process may take a while depending on the number of directories you wish do delete from i.e. sim contacts, phone contacts and the number of email accounts attached to the phone coupled by the overall amount of data it may need to process.
Hope this works for you.