Which is the best of all browsers?

Majority of the computer users today, the most used application on their desktop is the Internet Browser. Internet Browsers comes in different version, looks, capabilities, specialties and usage. I use Mozilla Firefox to surf the internet because of its speed in browsing, but when it comes to banking transactions or any related transactions on the internet, I prefer to browse with Internet Explorer because it is more trusted and secured browser by many companies.
So for me, the best browser is not measured by their existence but by how do people use it. It is just like the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ”Instead of saying which is number 1 or the best browser I will show you their pros and cons.
Google Chrome. Of course the latest developed browser and supported or developed by the number 1 search engine the whole world.
Pros & Cons:
Mozilla Firefox. It is an open-source web browser and gives pleasant browsing experience when it comes to speed of processing scripts.
Pros and Cons:
Internet Explorer. Majority of online business trusted this browser. Some of its features are Accelerators, Web Slices and convenient and unique way of accessing web resources. It has also a remarkable and superior privacy protection.
Pros & Cons:
Safari. I never used safari but as apple claims as the fastest browser all over the world. But according to many other users of Safari, its speed depends on the specs of your computer. Safari concentrates on native aspects of internet browsing instead of customization of its feature.
Pros & Cons:
Opera. Opera’s goal is faster browsing, better synchronization and modern standards to the users. An Open source web browser which has enjoyable and practical features that can make your browsing experience functional and fun. Faster and quicker loading page. Tabbed browsing, mouse-over previews, customizable search bar, sophisticated bookmarking and easy integration with email and chat clients.
Pros and Cons:
Flock. This is what we called the “Social Web Browser” because it is designed specially for social network savvy people. The browser emphasizes the interface with social networking sites, RSS and media feeds and blogs. An update of your social networking sites such as FaceBook, Flicker, Twitter, MySpace and many others are just in this web browser. Flock achieves its unique Social Web Browser to social networker.
Pros & Cons:
That’s how they describe the most 5 web browsers. So it is up to you who are the best and number 1. Arrangement is not best on their rankings it is randomly selected. Please refer to this site for the comparison of web browsers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_browsers
I have 5 solutions for you here, and you can try any of the following. I hope one of these will solve your problem.
Solution 1:
Have you ever tried to scan your computer? Because some of the reasons why your memory automatically decreases is because you have a spyware. Spyware is silently affecting your system, like destroying hard drive, slow internet connection and it will automatically change your settings. There are two different ways to scan your computer.
First way, follow these steps:
In your Anti-virus, click Tools tab then select Update.
Updating Anti-virus is very important, do it regularly.
When updating is done, click Tools tab to select scan computer then wait for a minute.
When it's done, look for the scan results and check the virus detected. Here, you can see the files that are affected.
All you have to do is to remove those infected files.
And now, here is the second way.
I recommend you to have a good scanner. HDDScan is a freeware program which help you detect viruses, Trojans and network worms.
It can fix all the problems related to Ram failures, hard disk problems and Registry problems.
It supports IDE, SATA, SCSI hard disk drives, Raid arrays, Flash cards and external USB/Firewire hard disks.
Here are the links: Download the HDDScan Installer, Download older version
Solution 2:
If you are always using your Internet browsers, you have to delete all the cookies and Internet history. It can decrease your memory. Follow these steps:
Press Windows key and select Control Panel.
Pick the Network and Internet Connections.
In the Control Panel icon, select the Internet Options.
The Internet properties dialog box will open,
On the General tab, check the 'Delete browsing history on exit" check box, then click Delete.
Check all the check box except Form data or Passwords if you don't want to remove them, then click Delete button.
Then close the dialog box after deleting the Internet History.
Solution 3:
Clean your disk clean up to free up disk space in the computer's hard drive. Disk cleanup targets to perform the following:
Compression of old files, Temporary Internet files, Recycle Bin, Offline files, Downloaded Program files, Temporary Windows files and Startup log files. Follow these steps:
Press the Windows key and select Run then hit Enter.
Type cleanmgr.exe
The Disk Cleanup dialog box will open.
Check all the check box on the Files to delete.
Click OK then click Yes.
Wait for a few seconds, the disk clean up is cleaning up unnecessary files.
Solution 4:
Perform the full de-fragmentation. It is performed to increase the speed by rearranging files that is stored on your hard disk. It is also recommended to be done at least twice a week. Here are the steps:
Press the Windows key –> All Programs –> Accessories –> System Tools –> Disk Defragmenter
The Disk De-fragmenter window will open.
Right-click the local drive C and select Defragment.
Wait for a minute until the defragment is done,
Restart your computer.
Solution 5:
Remove programs that you don't need to use. It only occupies some space in your memory. Remove it using add/Remove programs, follow these steps:
Press Windows key and Control Panel.
Pick Add/Remove Programs category.
The Add or Remove Programs window will open.
Look for the programs that you need to remove. Then, click Change/Remove button to uninstall the program.
Just do the same steps for the other unused programs.
The first browser I introduced to was Internet Explorer. Then I've tried using Mozilla Firefox and currently using Google Chrome as of now. I am just familiar with those three browsers that I mentioned (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome), after trying to use those three I noticed nothing feels different.
I haven't experienced using the other browsers beside that three. Out of curiosity, I'm just wondering why is it having too many browsers. Can someone tell me what is the most effective browser among them? Or maybe shortly discuss to me their advantages/disadvantages from each other?