Which is better? Android or iPhone?

I am planning to purchase either apple or Android. Which is better between the two? How about one that fits my lifestyle as an IT student?

I am planning to purchase either apple or Android. Which is better between the two? How about one that fits my lifestyle as an IT student?
This decision comes down to personal taste, but as somebody that have used both Apple iOS and Android I can help you make the decision. Apple’s iOS is overall more stable. The interface is very similar from app to app. Also a lot of the apps in the app store are apps that need to be paid for. Android is a lot more open, you can install what you like, there are very little restrictions compared to Apple. The issue with Android is there are so many phones from different manufacturers that it’s hard to know how good the user experience will be.
If you are going to use the phone for IT purposes, I would advise on Android. Being a lot more open allows you a wider range of uses. Overall, either would be a great choice, if possible, test some phones at a local store to see which feels better.
Actually It depends on the people because everyone has it's own choice. Some people just see the outlook of phones and some people who have the basic knowledge of phones doesn't look the outside of a phone.
They want some features to make their work easier .But if you wanna buy phones then you should  check android's smartphones though Iphone has a lot apps in their app stores but android has also much applications, games . There often needs a big screen mobile for the IT students and I know Iphone is suitable for it .But it is costly for a student to buy and the main reason is IOS is only used by apple , but Android is used by many companies. and Samsung, HTC also support Android. You can migrate nokia's symbian operating system into Android but you can't do such type of things by IOS or Iphone.
On the other hand  Android is far more customizable then Apple. Android’s got everyone covered  text addicts, big screen cover and mobile multitasking power users. Let’s not forget removable batteries either. You can also change Android phone"s Battery But you cant remove Iphone's  Battery. So from my opinion Android is better than Iphone.