Which is better for interpreting codes?

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Can anyone explain about ‘SciPy’. What will be the cost of it? What are the terms and conditions of license? What are the features provided by ‘Python’? What are the scientific libraries which available with ‘Scipy’? Is it fast if written in interpreted languages such as ‘Python’?

Answered By 0 points N/A #100229

Which is better for interpreting codes?


Spicy is an open source python extension, which is free to use, manipulate and distribute. Spicy extension uses and extends the Numpy extension which is a python extension that gives efficiency to do operations of arrays of similar data. Numpy gives python capabilities of numeric data manipulation.

Spicy is used for advanced maths, statistics, minimization and regression. The numerical routine functions used are precompiled for efficiency in their operation. To be able to use Spicy, you need to download it from https://www.scipy.org/install.html before you can use it.

Spicy is used for calculations that have heavy reliance on both mathematical and numeric operations. It works well with matrices and arrays

You need a C compiler and a FORTRAN compiler to be able to run Spicy scripts. Spicy works on its own functions that are precompiled rather than on python.

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