Which to choose JPEG or GIF?

Which to choose JPEG or GIF in a website's graphic?
What are the advantage and disadvantage of choosing either JPEG or GIF images in creating a website?

Which to choose JPEG or GIF in a website's graphic?
What are the advantage and disadvantage of choosing either JPEG or GIF images in creating a website?
Here following details explanation about JPEG and GIF. In a common thinking we know GIF is mainly used for animated picture and JPEG used for normal picture. But actual difference and advantage are given below :
Thank you for helping me decide what type of images is best.
Also for telling me the advantages and disadvantages of both.
It helps me a lot.
There are four types of images commonly used on websites: JPG, GIF, PNG, and SVG. If you are interested only with JPG and GIF, here are their differences. With JPG, this file format was created in 1986 and stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group”. This image format consumes very small storage space and can be uploaded and downloaded very quickly because of its small size.
It is able to support millions of colors. That’s why this file type is best for real-life images like photographs. It also works well on websites and is the best format to select when posting on social media sites. This image format is “lossy” meaning when data is compressed less important information is deleted permanently from the file.
This also means you will lose some quality when you convert or save your file to this format. With GIF, it was specifically designed to make it easy to send images to and from slow internet connections. It stands for “Graphics Interchange Format” and came into the scene in 1987.
This image format is “lossless” which means it preserves all the data contained in the file but its size is smaller than JPG files. Its file size is smaller because it can only accommodate up to 256 indexed colors. The GIF file format was designed mainly for small, simple graphic icons but with one vital caveat: they can be animated.