Which software should I use to manage my files and folders?

Here are some third party software that can help you manage your files and folders:
Tables – They come with their own unique interface where you can create Work Space and manage files and folders into your required categories.
ConFavor – This is a simple software which integrates in right-click context menu and provides a simple user interface where you can add folders with a name of your choice. The advantage is that you can add even a file to it not just folders. You can also rename them or delete them anytime you want and is very similar to Windows XP favorites management.
Your question is not clear, where you want to manage your files and folders. If you want to manage them to own PC/Laptop. Just Create a Folder and inside that folder create subfolders, and keep all corresponding files to them. It does not need any external software. If you want to upload your files or folder over internet to prevent any data loss in case of if your PC get damage, then choose various online website to store data. Few are listed below:
1) drive.google.com/
2) www.livedrive.com/