While Activating Windows, The Computer Gives An 8024001f Error

Examine the 8024001f error? Describe the steps to resolve the error code and explain the cause of this error message?

Examine the 8024001f error? Describe the steps to resolve the error code and explain the cause of this error message?
When the user tries to install the Windows update and due to an unstable internet connection or damaged Windows operating System, it encounters an error that is named as 8024001f error. The error code displays ‘Windows Update error code 8024001f – unable to connect to the internet.’ The error stops the update in the system and throws an unexpected error.
Some of the manual solutions are as follows:
• Hold Windows+ R >> type ‘cleanmgr.exe’ >> Enter.
• Update the Windows driver.
• Perform a full system scan.
• Ensure internet connection.
If still the error exists, then try to change the internet setting to other networks or try to connect to different wi-fi.