While copying a folder I received a warning

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

While copying a folder I received a warning. Actually it is not something like the existing file.

I am sure that I do not have the same existing file in the directory. What kind of issue is it?

Please help.

DS-Store already exists

The operation can’t be completed because an item with the name ".DS_Store" already exists.

Best Answer by Hartman Leroux
Answered By 30 points N/A #149251

While copying a folder I received a warning



The problem you are facing is due to the an already existing file by name. DS_Store This could be a hidden file and you are not able to find it and replace it. Change the setting such that your computer shows the hidden file.

Search for the file that already exists and delete that to replace your item with the same name.

Thank you.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #149252

While copying a folder I received a warning


*.DS_Store is an indexing file created from MAC OSX systems, this is similar to the indexing system Thumbs.db used by Windows systems. Both files are hidden in their corresponding operating systems, but once it is transported to the other, this file becomes visible since it is not recognized as a Windows file and vice-versa.

One good option is simple delete the file or do not include it in copying to a folder if you are using are Windows system, since this file has no use for a windows systems.

If you are copying to a windows system folder, you can clean up the destination folder first by either deleting the destination folder since it would be recreated upon copying procedures.

Or you can go to the Control Panel > Folder Option and tick the show hidden files, so that you can delete it manually from the destination folder.

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