While printing labels through DYMO Label Software (DLS) I received an error message. It is indicating that label size not supported by my printer. My machine is running with Windows Vista. If you have any idea for the error message, please help.
Thanks in advance.
This label is not supported by your printer. Either selected label is too wide for the printer or the printer driver is out of date. To download the latest driver, go to the support section at www.dymo.com.
While printing labels through DYMO Label Software (DLS) received an error message
Hello Nelson,
Have you already tried deleting it from the Printer Utility, and then after that you can go ahead and reselect it? You Do not need to download and then reinstall. Another way to resolve the issue will be to connect it through a different port or with a different cable.
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While printing labels through DYMO Label Software (DLS) received an error message
Hi Nelson Carters,
 This error you are facing is may be due to you might have installed printer driver for windows Vista which is actually designed for XP.
To get solution for this error I am recommending you to check DYMO help site for customers. There are 3 different solutions available to solve this error. Please check this link: