Asked By
Dennis Azal
30 points
Posted on - 09/26/2012
While updating Ad-Aware I received the error message.
I think it proceeded well.
However, after sometime it did not advance well. I do not know the reason behind it.
Please help.
Ad-Aware Update Manager
Over all progress:
Download file: C5C39-EN-0-11345-F.sbr.sgn.f…size: 79828KB
While updating Ad-Aware I received the error message
Your ad-aware does not produce an error, it just that it takes time to download a 79828KB(80MB) of data from their website. You just have to wait until all updates are downloaded and installed.
If your internet is slow it will take time before you finish the update. I suggest that you leave your machine open and do the update overnight so that in the morning the update will be finished.
While updating Ad-Aware I received the error message
Hi Dennis,
There is an ongoing issue with Ad-aware update that it hangs on some point, the cause would be the bandwidth or a hardware on the computer. In addition, the update is a very huge file which adds up with the wait time. If you have a slow bandwidth chances are you will see the progress bar not moving. According to Ad Aware they are having issues with one of their servers they already had resolved this but the update still lagging. So patience is needed to update Ad Aware.
While updating Ad-Aware I received the error message
Your ad aware application is somehow requiring you to download a large file, the time of completion of the update will vary through the following considerations:
Internet speed – the time of completion will be slowed down if the internet download speed is slow.
Server speed – the time of completion can vary if the ad aware server's upload speed is slow and if the server's location is far away from your home.
Fragments of files – many fragments of files will create a delay in downloading the update. If the application has many files to update on, the download should be slower than expected.
Other downloads – if you are downloading other applications for your sake, expect that the download speed will be slower as the bandwidth of your internet will be reduce to half to give each applications a priority for downloading the necessary files.
However, you have to be patient enough to wait for this update.