Whirling sound is coming from my CPU

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have found very recently that a whirling sound is coming from my CPU. It was not so acute before. I could not figure out where from the sound in exactly coming. I am really tensed about that sound.

Someone please help me to figure out what really the sound is. Is it harmful for my computer? What can I do to get rid of the sound? The sound is increasing day by day.

Best Answer by andrew bergman
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #110384

Whirling sound is coming from my CPU


A difficult problem: but we absolutely should not discount the possibility of having something more serious. A click of a dying hard drive and a whirring noise is likely to make, but it is better to play safe. In addition to your hard disk to create a backup image, just in case. More image backup if you need more information.

Once the hard disk is protected, among fans to start looking for a culprit. Your fans understand what is causing the problem, to see if it is loose or something close to it, and any dirt that may cause overheating should be cleaned. How you do that you (as is Jsf1973) laptop or desktop, depending on.

Shut down, remove, and then turn on your computer. Then add, to turn back and see if you can get very noisy fan. Take the empty cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels: If unsure, try to test cardboard tube. Hold one end in your ear and your PC to various devices for moving to another turn. (If you have a paper towel tube is not easy to improve. A rolled-up magazine needs to be.)

Once you find the fan noise, turn your computer, unplug it, and fans, that does what is appropriate is connected to the check, and everything around it. See if you can find something to be bolted. Or if there are something fans were trapped inside. In other words, look, you can fix the problem.

If you cannot find anything, heat is harder than they should, dust and heat can cause excessive work can lead to fans. Summer is also a likely culprit if you hear the noise when the case is open. Compact (you can buy at any computer store) to blow away dust in the air can use. Read the safety instructions on the care can be.

Answered By 0 points N/A #110385

Whirling sound is coming from my CPU

  • Check your all fans, whether they touching wires or something.
  • And check the power supply. If any component in the power supply gets damaged, it makes many noises. Especially the capacitors, when they burned or damaged, they make noises like this.
  • Also check the screw nuts in the Motherboard are fixed well. They also make funny noises due to reverberation.

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