Users of Cloud Computing service can choose their service provider and are covered by service level agreements only. In the event of network overload and other problems when the service is unavailable, who will be liable for the loss of revenue of corporations using the service?
Who is liable in case of network problems in Cloud Computing service?
This questions is legit, as who to blame if the iCloud server overloads. If the server encounters problem, which is not impossible and it will happen anyhow, who's to blame for the losses?
Well, this iCloud technology has this agreement before signing up. This agreement will explain the do's and don'ts', what covers the liability that charged to them and what not. They provide service and that business establishment use to operate and to generate income.
This agreement will break down all the possible solutions, situations that might happen. If the network overloads and problem occurs, the person to blame is really depends on what caused the issue and the severity of the damage.
The liable person could be the iCloud technology, the ISP and the person does the system maintenance or the end users. They all liable and might be the main source of the problem. Firewall plays the big factor, safety of the data stored is important, reliable Internet is needed and the IT department does the maintenance must update the system and of course, the end user's know-how to use iCloud technology must understand how it works.
At this point, since the problem doesn't present' the severity and the main cause, it's hard to pin-point who to blame. Before signing-up, you must read and understand all agreement comes to play, know your rights and privileged because you might become a victim of iCloud technology failure if it may happen. Â
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Who is liable in case of network problems in Cloud Computing service?
Server administrator knows the capacity of their services. Most probably they don’t accept clients more than their capacity. So if there are some problems causing the network to overload, the liable person is the provider especially when the problem cause of company loss income. But still, this case depends on how the issue occurs. If it is caused by nature, you can’t blame the provider. But if the issue comes from the negligence of the provider like lack of securities, lack of server maintenance and any other cause by their negligence, you can blame all to them. But off course you need to review the limitations of the providers responsibility stated in your contract. Better to check the disclaimer first.