Why can’t I download at my school?

I was using internet at my school and when I tried downloading some files there. It tells me,you don't have permission.to download. What type of error is this? Is there anyway to solve this?

I was using internet at my school and when I tried downloading some files there. It tells me,you don't have permission.to download. What type of error is this? Is there anyway to solve this?
While are using the internet connection at school may be there is some restriction made by the IT department of the school to prevent misuse of their network for illegal work. That’s why you are not able to download files. You should have a user ID and a password provided by the school authority to get full access of the internet connection at school. You should talk to the IT department of your school in this regard. Besides this if you are trying to download using P2P connection then you will not be able to download, because of the copyright issue your school have restricted it.
Best of luck.
Using internet in school is already an advantage for the students, limited access though. Limited access means there are certain things that we can't do like downloading songs, movies, files and most of the time the school administrator blocks some sites because it can cause a lot of connection problems like lags and delays on the system.
You should log in to the system as the Administrator to be able to download files and that's the reason why you are having this error message "You don't have the permission to download." This is one of the security error messages that you will encounter when using a secured system.
Some people are using proxy servers to have full access but other than that there is just one solution for this, to have the administrator's login from your school.
Thanks, Techi Girl. I found out that out school wifi ahs limited access. I can't even surf to different gaming websites. I have no choice but to download files at my home. Anyway, thanks.
If you encounter this error, it means you have a restricted or limited user account. This is normal and usually implemented on a local area network by network administrators to control the access of all users to various resources. If you are within the school premises and you encounter this problem, it means the school’s network administrator has blocked all students from downloading files from the internet.
This is to prevent students from downloading unknown programs that might contain virus which may then infect the system and the network. There is no way to bypass this restriction if you are using a computer that is within the school or part of the school’s network. You can only bypass this restriction if you are using your own computer and connect to the school’s network via Wi-Fi.
But still, since it is the school’s internet connection, there may still be restrictions on the kind of websites you can access even if you are using your own computer.