Why computer does an automatic restart?

I don't understand why my computer restarts automatically after every few minutes.
I checked every cable for loose connections, but that did not solve any problem.

I don't understand why my computer restarts automatically after every few minutes.
I checked every cable for loose connections, but that did not solve any problem.
Dear Khaled Mithun,
Your described problem related to restart computer on its own is quite disturbing and once I have to face the same. Then after searching a lot over net come to conclusion that there is in my case there was a problem of low voltage to the system.
The purpose of telling you all this is that my computer restarted because of low power voltage and I fixed it by using electric stabilizer. Please try this as well if all your connections are properly connected.
Secondly there might be different reasons which could cause this problem to pop. Please check that you RAM is displayed properly into you RAM slot or not. Please also check your power supply using some voltage checker.
Hope this will sort out your problem.