Why did Google stop promoting Google+ results in search?

I read a news: Google has stopped to promote Google+ results in search. Why did they do it?
What was the problem?
Please give me some information.

I read a news: Google has stopped to promote Google+ results in search. Why did they do it?
What was the problem?
Please give me some information.
Hi Julia,
Well the news is some how true that Google has stopped promoting Google+ results in search options. This was mainly done because Google was getting so much criticism from Facebook, Twitter and other social networks that it is promoting its own social network by unfair means. As people have relied on Google for years now to provide them with the best and most relevant search results.
Hello Julia,
The reason why Google+ will not be promoted in the Google search results is because Google has found a better place that will enable tidbits throw up by its social media network. Google thinks advertising Google+Â in the search results was being done at the expense of other social media.
There have also been complains from other social media networks including Facebook, Twitter as well MySpace claiming that Google was pushing content in the search results in the wrong way using the Search Plus Your World
function which was a breach to the anti-trust guidelines that governs the social media.