I trying to access my email through my blackberry using Outlook Web Access from Exchange Server 2003. However, it is not working anymore and it gives an error message that the password is invalid. What could be wrong?
Why do I receive an error message when access my email?
Howdy Marissa,
There are a lot of reasons why you can't log on to your email using your blackberry phone. First is maybe the first letter of password you have entered has been capitalized because of the font setting of your phone. Please make sure that your font setting is in small letter. Another reason is that using blackberry phone to access you email rewuires an eight alphanumeric password. So if you have less than eight character of password, that maybe the reason why you can't log in.
You can go to your email account and change your password into eight letters and then reboot your cellphone before logging in. To reboot your phone, just pull the batteries and give it 30 seconds to 1 minute before turning it on and logging in to your email. This time, make sure that you have properly entered your username and password.