Why do we use linux?

Linux is an open source software, which makes it different from other operating systems. The main advantage is that it is free to obtain,with an advantage of installing multiple times on different computers  whereas Microsoft products are available at high prices,with a disadvantage that Microsoft products can be installed only on a single computer.
The security features of Linux are much better than that offered by Microsoft, the main reason is that it is an open source software, for example if a virus attacks Linux today the next day there will be thousands of solutions for the virus from different developers around the world.
With Linux one can have full control over the operating system with its Kernel and Windows managers that help to make your desktop look better. Linux looks even better for old computers which has old processor with very low ram.
I prefer Linux because one can make infinite changes to any software's that comes with this great OS.
Well, anyone can use LINUX because it's acceptable, because it's comprehensible because it's customizable, because it provides excellent agreement link
People use LINUX because it's different from Windows OS. Some to get knowledge done be protected from viruses, never soul to defrag computers forbid money. But those are simply broadside personality that amount in the box when we lay and run LINUX.
What most of us rattling like is activity with our systems, poke about, creating variety some what lies at the back that screen environment we're colored to.
This is truth from the persons who are using LINUX, so now it’s up to you.