Why Does My Internet Keepdisconnecting?

I have a Windows 7 computer. Whenever I connect to the internet, it gets disconnectedautomatically. Why does my internet keepdisconnecting? This goes on and on. Is there a fix?

I have a Windows 7 computer. Whenever I connect to the internet, it gets disconnectedautomatically. Why does my internet keepdisconnecting? This goes on and on. Is there a fix?
If your internet keeps disconnecting repeatedly, the strength of your local internet connection needs to be checked. A weak network signal over WiFi or very less connectivity might also lead to this problem. Also, this need not be a platform specific problem (not because of Windows 7). Before fixing this issue make sure:
Now let us fix the issue.
If problem persists, contact your internet service provider.
Regarding the frequent disconnection, I guess you should ask your Internet Service Provider about that. Actually, I also experience that most of the time maybe because I’m on wireless internet. If you’re on DSL, I don’t think you will encounter that. Subscribing to a DSL internet service is better than with a wireless broadband internet.
With DSL, you are connected via cable that’s why you have a stable internet connection and a reliable speed. Unlike with a wireless broadband, like mine which is 4G LTE, you get a pretty unstable internet connection and a lot of disconnection everyday though the speed is pretty fast. Your problem is pretty common among wireless internet users.
So, to fix your problem with the frequent disconnection, transfer to a much stable DSL internet plan. There is actually no workaround on this. I, myself tried everything and look for ways why a wireless internet keeps disconnecting. At first, I thought it was my ISP.
But after learning other service providers are the same, it seems the problem is not with the ISP but with the wireless infrastructure itself. I think it’s the downside of wireless internet that purely relies in signal.