Why Does My Internet Say Limited?

I have an original licensed copy of Windows installed on my PC. Whenever I connect my PC to my WiFi, it shows an exclamation mark over WiFi icon which reads ‘limited access.’ How to resolve this issue?

I have an original licensed copy of Windows installed on my PC. Whenever I connect my PC to my WiFi, it shows an exclamation mark over WiFi icon which reads ‘limited access.’ How to resolve this issue?
Since you could successfully connect to your router we can safely assume that the network adapter is fine. The notification states that there is no internet connection for the WiFi signal or the internet inaccessible by your PC. This may happen due to a number of reasons.
1. There is no internet in your area. But if you are sure there is,
2. the number of connections your router can handle has exceeded.
3. The network needs additional authorisation.
For problem
4: simply restart the router. If it doesn’t work, change network SSID (name of your WiFi) and security password.
For problem
5: This may happen if you have leased a connection from a private distributor. Some Internet Service Providers provide an authorisation page that pops in the browser ahead of any page. You need to fill in the credentials provided by them. If you don’t have any, contact your service provider.
If the problem persists: run an application called cmd in your start menu. Then type these commands in order and press enter.
• Ipconfig/release
• Ipconfig/renew
• netsh winsock reset
And then restart your computer.
Hope this helps!
If your computer was able to successfully connect to your Wi-Fi network but is showing “limited access”, it means your computer has successfully established connection to your Wi-Fi but the Wi-Fi router has not able to successfully connect to the internet. This is normal actually. If you see this message on your screen whenever you connect your computer to your Wi-Fi network, simply restart your Wi-Fi router.
Before you can connect to the internet with your Wi-Fi network, your Wi-Fi router has to be connected to the internet first. Your Wi-Fi network is the wireless version of a simple local area network or LAN. When you connect your computer to your Wi-Fi, it’s like plugging in the network cable from your computer to the Wi-Fi router.
Your Wi-Fi router acts like a portal that connects your computer to the internet. The router connects to a gateway, which is an IP address that grants you passage to the internet when a successful connection has been established. If the establishing of the connection fails, your connection will only revolve within your Wi-Fi network but not to the internet.