Why Does Windows Update 800b0101 Occur?

What are windows update 800b0101, and why does it occur? Why windows update are so important, am I getting this error because my windows are not updated? How can I fix this error?

What are windows update 800b0101, and why does it occur? Why windows update are so important, am I getting this error because my windows are not updated? How can I fix this error?
Windows update 800b0101 usually occurs when the system clock is not set correctly or at the wrong time. This error generally occurs because of the .NET framework, so it has to be enabled to avoid this error.
For that go to control panel in that go to programs and features. Ten check .NET framework and if it’s not successfully installed, then install it. Once you install it accurately then restart your PC so the changes will be applied.
There are loads of purposes for why this error occurs. Some of them are: weak firewall, corruption of files in the system, windows update not installed accurately or corrupted.
Windows update is important cause windows update means there is an improvement in the existing system, there can be software updates also which are clearly for protecting your device from any corrupted file or viruses. Yes, there is a possibility that you are getting this error because your system is not updated.
Steps to fix this error: check your firewall turn it on, check for file system corruption, Scan your PC, and restore all the updates.
You may receive error code “800b0101” when downloading a Windows Update if there is a problem with your computer’s date and time. This has to be correct before you can download and install a Windows Update. To fix the problem, try setting the correct date or just synchronize it with an internet time server. To do this, right-click date and time on the system tray and select “Adjust date/time”.
In “Date and Time” dialog, under “Date and Time” tab, click “Change time zone” then select your correct time zone on the next screen and then click “OK”. Next, go to “Internet Time” tab then click “Change settings”. In “Internet Time Settings” dialog, make sure “Synchronize with an Internet time server” is checked. In “Server”, select a time server from the dropdown list then click “Update now”.
In Windows 7, you can select among the following:
In Windows XP, there are only two options available:
Click “OK” all throughout then try downloading the Windows Update again.