Why is it Microsoft exchange writer crashes?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

My problem occurs while performing exchange backup, the Microsoft exchange writer crashes while taking snapshot of exchange. Event viewer on exchange server shows following event IDs.

Event ID: 9840
Raw Event ID : 9840
Record Nr. : 50522
Category : General
Source : MSExchangeIS

Message : An attempt to prepare the storage group 'sg2' for backup failed because the storage group is already in the process of being backed up. The error code is -2403.

(Note that if a backup was recently aborted, then it may take several minutes for the system to detect the aborted backup and will initiate backup cleanup procedures, so this message may be generated if an attempt was made to backup a storage group before a previous backup attempt had fully terminated.)

Please help me fix this problem.

Thanks a lot.

Answered By 0 points N/A #144576

Why is it Microsoft exchange writer crashes?


Hello! Good day,

How are you? Try my solution.

Technique 1:

1. Click Start, then All Programs, hover on Exchange Server 2007, then click Exchange Management Console.

2. Expand Server Configuration, then expand the storage group listed in event ID 9840 message logged on the Exchange 2007 server.

3. Right-click database in that storage group, then click Dismount Database.

4. To confirm operation click Yes.

5. Right-click the database, then click Mount Database after the dismount operation is done.

6. Try to test if same event happens.

OR YOU CAN DO Technique 2:

1. Click Start, Click All Programs over on Administrative Tools, and click Services.

2. Right-click Microsoft Exchange Information Store click Restart.

3. Try to test if same event happens.

Hope this solves the issue.

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