When I turn on my PC, it starts booting and then stop with an error message which is 'Keyboard error or No keyboard Present'. My keyboard is ok when I tried the same keyboard in another PC. So I what's the solution for this?
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Why messages display keyboard error or keyboard not present
You may possibly have a problem with the keyboard itself or maybe it may simply get loose its bond. So check and make sure it is attached properly. Or perhaps, there is a problem with your PS2 keyboard port on your motherboard. This is where you plug into the keyboard. This port is directly connected to the motherboard and can go terribly. Furthermore, try to find a USB keyboard to bypass the PS2 port in case it’s going bad. There is a chance that you may still get the error and may be a setting in the BIOS to disable the PS2 keyboard port so the message doesn't show up.
Why messages display keyboard error or keyboard not present
The computer will work even without a mouse but not without a keyboard. If you know your keyboard is working and you tested it on another computer, then the problem is not with the keyboard but with the port where it is plugged in. If you are using a PS/2 keyboard like I am, you probably want to buy a PS/2 to USB adapter like these.
The adapter will allow you to plug the keyboard to any available USB port. If there’s a problem with your keyboard’s PS/2 port, buying this adapter should fix the problem. Another way is to replace your PS/2 keyboard with a USB type. Since this is the most supported type nowadays, it will give you flexibility because you can plug it on any USB port on your computer.