Why Mozilla Firefox is Better Than any Other Browser

Please tell me why Mozilla Firefox is better Than any other Browser. Where as Google Chrome is the most unique Browser but most IT experts prefer to use Mozilla Firefox.

Please tell me why Mozilla Firefox is better Than any other Browser. Where as Google Chrome is the most unique Browser but most IT experts prefer to use Mozilla Firefox.
Hi Rashid,
 The Mozilla Firefox is not better than any other browser every browser has got its importance and every browser has got some uniqueness for EX : If you want to open passport website then Mozilla does not support the website where as internet explorer supports this kind of sites. Where as coming to Google chrome compared to Mozilla The chrome comes with extra features which Firefox do not possess for ex flash player comes inbuilt with chrome.
Its not like IT professionals use Mozilla Firefox many people prefer using this because its just the user interface some people find it easy. It all depends on individual needs.
The Mozilla Firefox web browser is just like any web browsers that has its own unique feature. It depends on the user if he thinks Mozilla Firefox is better than the other web browsers, that is, if he already tried using the other browsers. But if he haven’t tried using the other web browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Maxthon, or Opera, then he is in no position to say that Mozilla Firefox is way better than the others.
I, for myself, think that Opera is better than Mozilla Firefox in terms of speed when opening a website. I have installed and tried using all of the web browsers I mentioned above but nothing beats Opera. For me, Opera is the fastest when opening a website. It is also fast when starting up on slow processor. Maxthon is the slowest on startup amongst the ones I tested when used on a computer with older processor.
It should perform faster on computers with Dual Core or later processor. The actual performance of the web browser depends on your hardware configuration. If you are low in memory or physical RAM, the browser tends to push the data to the disk cache or the page file rather than to the RAM to balance the load which makes the performance slower.