Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 09/24/2011
I just recently add a new RAM to my PC yet it wasn't detected?
I checked and double checked its connection but still it doesn't function or detected.
Is there any chance that my RAM is already damaged or it is just a compatibility issues?
Why is that my newly installed RAM is not detected?
There are two possibilities due to which your ram is not detected.
1. Either your ram is not working
2. The slot is not working. Please check both. First you have to check your ram insert your ram in another computer slot and check restart system. Now go to system properties and check that the ram that you have inserted in slot is working or not.
If this shows that your ram is working then check the slot of your computer that it is working or not. Insert the ram into the slot and restart your computer.
If the ram is not shown in system properties then its mean that your slot is not working try to repair your slot or motherboard or insert the ram into another slot.
Hope these steps will solve your problem.
Answered By
5 points
Why is that my newly installed RAM is not detected?
If you're running a 32-bit operating system it would only be able to detect a little under 4GB of RAM installed. This is a limitation of 32-bit operating systems.
The system itself (BIOS) might be able to detect the total amount of RAM but the operating system will only be able to detect and make use of about 4GB.
So if you added memory that made the total amount of memory higher than 4GB, then it would seem that the new RAM isn't really detected.
Granted your BIOS is able to detect the correct RAM installed, it may be best to install a 64-bit operating system to be able to use all of the memory that you installed.
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Why is that my newly installed RAM is not detected?
Hi Paultejedor,
Try to remove and install again if it's working, if not then try to clean the lead using the eraser so it would rid the dirt on it.
Always double check, trial and error. Another option with regards to capability issues RAM will not run if you have different specs. For example: you have ddr3 RAM then you install it on the Board that only accepts ddr3, it will not work because of its conflict or not capable to the boar.
Some RAM has a damage even if not used, it because of the transport problems, or factory defect. If your RAM is not Kingston then you should be worried about this product. I only recommend Kingstone RAM due to its warranty that is lifetime and so far my RAM are still working even if some of them are obsolete.
If you have an extra PC with same specification then you can also try if it's working or not.
Tony Stevenson