I use adobe 800 and it is a version of Asia. I have also installed Japanese fonts on my computer. But still when I am going to write a Japanese font or word its showing up English fonts. What is the problem or how to write Japanese on adobe?
Please help me.
Why not Japanese fonts support 800 adobe on my computer?
Hi there Timothy Raine,
First of all, you are using quite old version of the Adobe, so I would strongly recommend you to upgrade your software as it will definitely resolve the issues you're having.
Next thing, make sure that installed fonts are in the .ttf format.
Also, go to your Adobe's System preferences, open International section and under the Input menu change the input menu to show Japanese fonts.
Why not Japanese fonts support 800 adobe on my computer?
Download the latest font pack of Japanese.
It is available at this link: http://supportdownloads.adobe.com/detail.jsp?ftpID=4881
Download this pack and install in your system and it will resolve the problem which you are facing.
You are facing this problem because of out-dated software. Keep updating your software on regular bases.
Hope you got some need full from the post.
Hock Clotildec.