Why PCIe Training Error Integrated Raid
Can anyone tell me that why PCIe training error integrated raid, please help me to resolve my problem by giving me solution for my query?
Can anyone tell me that why PCIe training error integrated raid, please help me to resolve my problem by giving me solution for my query?
You should try unplugging the system and also draining power, this will hold you to detect PCIE devices if the restarting does not work then check your PERC card working properly or not.
These types of error occur due to fault in the PCIE risers or PERC5 controller or remove the raid drives and fix them back.
If you have a problem with PCIe Training Error, here’s what it is. The full error reads:
“PCIe Training Error: Integrated RAID. System halted!”
When you encounter this error, the system will not boot and you will receive the message above. This problem was encountered on Dell R620 Security Analytics server. The cause of the problem is one of the following components which may have failed:
The only workaround, according to broadcom.com’s support page, is to try to reseat the internal RAID controller and see if that helps. If the problem continues, you should contact Blue Coat Support for assistance with a hardware RMA.