Why screensaver is required in windows?

Hello Shohan,
The screensaver is required so that when the computer is not in use, the screensaver displays instead of the black screen which is the default screensaver. It is not a must that you should have a screensaver, but you can choose to use it. A screensaver can be something like your name, an image, or a motion picture that you like.
It makes your desktop gusty instead of having the dull black screen, for you choose what to be displayed as the desktop background. It also takes your computer in a low power state to minimize the power that is being used.
Howdy Shohan20,
The screensaver has a very big role in Windows and computer. It is designed and created to avoid permanent discoloration of areas in the computer monitor. It makes the screen blank and filled with moving images if the computer is not in use. For entertainment and security purpose, screensavers are used in computer.
The screensaver can protect your computer by setting the configuration to ask or request the user to enter a password before letting the user to work again. Screensavers are also created to be able to entertain computer users.
So basically, screensavers are required for Windows to be able to protect your computer and to reduce the display lifetime since the backlight stays lit if the screen is completely turned off.
Older cathode ray tube monitors used to have problems when it keeps on displaying the same thing on the entire screen for a length of time. Sooner or later that image will be 'imprinted' nearly permanently on screen even if the display has already changed. Therefore, designers needed to find a way to avoid this. It is the solution that did not require the computer to be turned off and at the same time still prevent the damage to the monitor. And the screen saver was created. It was designed in such a way that there will always be some activity in every pixel on the screen. Hence, screen saver.
Thank you. Hope it helps.
Clair june
Before the rising of the LCD screens, we used the Cathode Ray Tubes type of computer screen or the CRTs.
When an image is showed on the CRT screen for quite some time, the properties on the uncover parts of phosphor covering inside the screen regularly and constantly changed and eventually it will result to a obscure shadow or a ghost picture on the screen.
CRTs are vulnerable to phosphor burn-in or the ghost image which is the permanent marks caused by increasing inconsistent usage of the pixels.
The screen-savers were designed to get rid of these effects simply by spontaneously altering the images on the screen when the computer is not in use.